Equal parts funny and touching... Witty and delightful, [Ms Samantha Mann’s] answers are at one moment poignant, the next side-splitting... If you’re looking for something lighthearted and funny, but still with heart and hope, Dear Samantha is just the right show for you.
— Chad Jarvie-Laidlaw, for CVTV
We have all known someone who chatters on and on in a never-ending stream of consciousness, moving from one topic to another without pausing for breath. Samantha keeps this up for 70 minutes, and it is hilarious!
— Sheila Martindale, Monday Magazine
Disarmingly funny and surprisingly therapeutic... both comedic and cutting.
— Sarah Petrescu, Check The Program
[Ms Samantha Mann’s] satirical sense is dryer than a vermouth-free martini.
— Adrian Chamberlain, Times Colonist
A finely tuned performance... By turns humorous and heartfelt.
— Andrew Friesen, CBC Manitoba
As an improv artist, [Ms Samantha Mann’s] brain is quick and clever.
— Maureen Scurfield, Winnipeg Free Press
An incredibly charming individual full of the most lovable oddities and idiosyncrasies, Ms Samantha Mann will have you laughing, crying and questioning your own faults and habits.
— Alexandra Dawkins, edmontonfringe.ca
[Ms Samantha Mann’s] clumsiness and unconscious candour are both startling and endearing, and if this one basic joke is constantly repeated, that’s only because it gets funnier and funnier each time.
— Richard Stamp, Fringe Guru
Snappy, witty, hilarious, lightly outrageous and always sharply-observed. Comedy at its best.
— Jim Marriott, Buxton Fringe Review
Shows like this are good art. They remind us that everyone matters, that the universe would be less without any one of us.
— Rachel Levine, Montreal Rampage
Ms Samantha Mann is simply delightful.
— Janis La Couvée, Dispatches from the Victoria Fringe
This is the kind of show whose poignance stays with you long after the last laugh has drifted away.
— Sheila Martindale, Monday Magazine
Do not think of this as therapy in public, think of it as an exposé of the mores of Middle England... Charming with an acerbic underside.
— Ian Parker Heath, Buxton Fringe Review
Outstanding... incredibly clever... A class act.
— Rufus McAlister, Buxton Fringe Review
What seems, at face value, to be a light-hearted comedy about an inept middle-aged spinster attempting poetry is actually a very, very clever piece of solo theatre... one of the best performances I’ve seen.
— Chris Neville-Smith, calling Samantha the Best Individual Performance of 2014
Delivering plenty of laugh-aloud surprises yet concealing a sharp-edged poignancy too.
— Richard Stamp, Fringe Guru
Wry, mischievous and strangely moving, Samantha Mann’s Stories About Love, Death & A Rabbit is a beguiling and ultimately uplifting experience - something like the secret life of Miss Prism imagined by Alan Bennett and performed by Hinge or Bracket.
— Ben Walters, nottelevision.net
With such a tour de force of acting it almost wouldn’t have mattered what the poetry was like, but it turned out to be just the right level of painfully mediocre.
— Koel Mukherjee, Sabotage
Samantha Mann is a minutely observed comic creation for those who love cringe humour.
— Roger Cox, The Scotsman
Delightfully feminist... It’s a feel-good hit.
— Chella Quint, The F-Word Comedy

Photograph at the top of this page by Bylgja @ Gallery Undirheimar